DK Company is committed to run a responsible and sustainable business, and respecting human rights is a fundamental part of this commitment. International guidelines call on business to exercise due diligence to detect, prevent and mitigate any adverse impact related to human rights, and our commitment to respect human rights cuts across all our operations, value chain and the communities in which we operate. We seek to integrate our commitment to respect human rights into our company policies and procedures and manage the impacts of our business based on the operational context, our leverage and business relationships.
This policy communicates our commitment and details the areas where we have the biggest impact and hence focus our activities, i.e. suppliers, customers, and own employees.
The Human Rights policy is based on the following:
• The International Bill of Human Rights
• The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
• The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
• The Declaration of the Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work of the ILO (International Labour Organization (ILO)
The sustainability work of DK Company is guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular: Goal 8: “Decent work and economic growth”; Goal 12 “Responsible production and consumption, and Goal 17 “Partnerships”. We have identified these goals as those where we have the biggest impact and influence for our business. We see our commitment to contribute to the fulfilment of these goals and our commitment to human rights as complementary.
Scope of this policy
This policy applies to all business partners of DK Company.
Suppliers (responsible sourcing)
DK Company is committed to responsible sourcing and we work closely with our suppliers and business partners to ensure that workers in our global supply chain are treated with respect and in accordance with international human and labour rights standards. Our commitment is manifested through the membership of Amfori BSCI (Business of Social Compliance Initiative), which implies that all our suppliers have committed to the BSCI Code of Conduct and participate in the audit and training programme of BSCI. To complement the BSCI programme, we operate our internal audit and training programme, focusing on building the capacity of our suppliers to comply with our requirements.
Our responsible sourcing programme and the requirements towards our suppliers, are documented in the DK Company supplier manual to be signed.
Own employees
DK Company is committed to offer a respectful and motivating workplace prioritizing that we respect the human and labour rights of all employees.
Learn more about our Blooming Concept values here:
This commitment includes respecting the dignity and worth of all employees and providing equal opportunities for everyone. We take a stand from any form of discrimination, but instead acknowledge all employee’s diversity. A safe and healthy workplace environment is essential for DK Company. All potential safety risks must be prevented.
Our products / consumers
Our customers health and safety are very important to DK Company. Therefore, it is important that all products manufactured for DK Company must be handled in an ethical and respectful manner. Through our chemical restriction program, we test for any chemical that may be harmful to the health and safety of our customers. This commitment is supported by our Environmental Policy.
This statement was approved by the Parent Company DK Company A/S and relates to all the companies in the DK Company Group.